Washing Machine Maintenance Log

With advancing technology, the lifestyle of a man has changed profoundly. People seek new ventures and pursue their desires with zero worries. Additionally, life has become easier for them as many setups have been introduced that help them in living a happy, independent life. Young individuals move places for completing their education at good universities or securing jobs at multinational companies without any hassle. They are not dependent on anyone as they can acquire all services they want at minimal expense.

Laundry shops provide a wide range of washing and drying machines for people living in hostels or who cannot afford a washing machine. Washing machines can be loaded with dirty laundry and run by adding designated cist for a particular number of cycles.


A washing machine maintenance log is a log sheet that provides information about the users and maintenance of the machine. It keeps track of the condition and functioning of the washing machine.

Maintenance of a washing machine is very important as it can reduce the breakdown and costly water damage. Maintenance is required as soon as any fault appears otherwise every 6 months washing machines are inspected by professionals to make sure they are not a health hazard. Professionals also keep an eye on the maintenance log to see the comments of the user and repair all kinds of damage.

It is important to keep a maintenance log of the washing machine so that it keeps on working for a longer period and does not require a lot of money for maintenance after due time. Some of the benefits provided by the washing machine maintenance log are given below,

  • Maintenance logs can be customized depending on the requirements of the owner to evaluate the working conditions of the machine.
  • It provides a detailed description of all the users and their comments about the workings of the machine.
  • It also provides information about the last maintenance and the upcoming so that it is not missed.
  • Model and company of washing machine are mentioned on a log to allow easier communication between manufacturer and customer.

Maintenance of the washing machine is very simple and can be done by the users themselves. It requires a few steps that save the trouble of facing breakdowns, leaks, and water damage. Some of these maintenance steps include,

  • Check water hoses before starting the washing cycle. Replace or complain about hoses if they are broken, leaked, or have any other issue.
  • Clean the lint filter before and after every wash to make that excess water is not taken up by the machine.
  • Making sure the machine is leveled as a balancing issue might hinder its functioning.
  • Do not overload the machine beyond its capacity because it does not function properly if overloaded.
  • Do not add detergent beyond the maximum limit as it tends to solidify and interfere with washing laundry.


A washing machine maintenance log can be designed easily by any worker or owner because it is very easy to make and simple to use. It can be structured on an excel sheet and maintained either as a soft copy or a hard copy. The template of any washing machine maintenance log is given below,

Customer name: …………………

Model: ……………………

Serial number: ………………….

Company: ……………………

Date: __/__/__

Customer nameStarting timeEnding timeNo. Of cyclesComments


Washing Machine Maintenance Log

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