Price Quotation Templates

Price quotation is quoting a price the seller is willing to sell his products. The price quoted by the seller is considered fixed. Once the customer accepts the offer, it cannot be changed.

The price quotation document represents the price quoted by the seller. Generally, this document is sent to the seller by the buyer of the product. The price quote is similar to the invoice because the seller states the price of the products he sells in both documents. Many sellers use the sales invoice as a price quotation document because of the similarity in their functions. OR


A price quotation is an offer in written form made by the vendor or service provider to the customer. It details the purchasing and selling terms of the product or services and their cost over a defined period.

A price quotation is a starting point for a business transaction. You can compare the prices of goods and services before accepting the quotation. When you put an element in the quotation form, you must specify the item quantity, unit price, and taxes.

Price Quotation Template for Excel

MS Excel (.xlsx) Quotation -98 KB

What are the benefits of a price quotation?

The price quotation process is the main part of many businesses. Most service providers usually provide their services by quoting the price. If the buyer finds the price reasonable, he will accept the offer. This document is handy for the buyer since it lets him know the price quoted by many sellers, and then he can choose the most suitable quotation.

The template

The seller prepares the price quotation and then sells it to the buyer to let him know the offer. Sellers use the price quotation template to create a document they can send to the buyer. The templates provide a document that is very easy to use and imparts a professional look.

The seller’s price quote should be sent to the buyer as soon as possible, as the buyer is contacting several sellers for price quotations. If you have a price quotation template, you can easily send your quote to the buyer as soon as possible.

Furthermore, the price quotation template tells the seller what to write in the quotation document, which can grab the buyer’s attention. The seller can customize the template to make it suitable for use.

The quotation form template has a small database page that stores all the company details that will be included in the quote. You can turn on or off the option to add or hide the tax. There is a customizable option for the color scheme. This page displays the pre-defined country configuration for any applicable tax the country charges with the implied currency.

Price Quote Portrait and Price Quote Landscape are the two sheets of such templates”. You can lay out your form according to your choice.

Components of price quotation

  • Date: the quote creation and sending date
  • Deadline of validity
  • Quotation number for easy tracking
  • Customer ID and contact
  • Terms and conditions
  • Company’s contact

The price quote template can demonstrate any value-added tax in percentage. The page mechanically computes the VAT/tax percentage amount and the total quotation value using the pre-formatted formulas. Fill in the details and get a print to get approval from the client.

Price Quotation with Tax

Price quotation with tax template

Download your file below.

File Size: 32 KB

Price Quotation without Tax

price quotation without tax template

File Size: 31 KB

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