Making a budget for every month is a tiring job. You must assess all your incomes, expenditures, and savings from all sources. Remember, it is work that you do every month. It takes a lot of time and patience to go through many utility bills, receipts, etc., now and then. An expense budget template ensures you don’t have to spoil your time and mood while making a budget sheet for your expenses.
It is a spreadsheet template that allows you to calculate all your expenses and expenditures in one month. A template with the data of all the costs for the last 12 months gives you the one-year expense budget. You can compare the expense budget for every month. This will give you a better understanding of what costs you the most.
You can adjust and balance your expenses by reflecting upon these spreadsheets.
Given here are various budget sheets for individuals, businesses, and organizations.
Personal Expense Budget Sheet
File Size: 123 KB
Operating Expense Budget Sheet
File Size: 198 KB
Capital Expense Budget Sheet
File Size: 221 KB
Departmental Expense Budget Sheet
File Size: 233 KB
Marketing Expense Budget Sheet
File Size: 231 KB
Maintenance Expense Budget Sheet
File Size: 340 KB
Project Expense Budget Sheet
File Size: 233 KB
Make a budget list that balances your income and expenses.
Preview (General Expense Sheet)
File Size: 98 KB -MS Excel (.xlsx)
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