Document Checklists for New & Terminated Employee

New Employee Document Checklist

In almost every organization, there is a need to keep the record of the employee. Keeping a record of the employee is considered the main responsibility of the manager of the organization. When a new employee joins the company, the manager to make another record chart to start entering the personal information, achievements, the number of leaves, absents and some other details.

There is no specific format to be followed when you making a new employee documents checklist. The checklist is also used to keep the record of the salary which is paid to each employee at the end of each month so that any pending dues can be remembered. Each individual employee in the company has a separate employee document checklist. There are certain rules in any company. The salary of any employee is calculated on the basis of those rules. If an employee makes any absentee in the organization, then the record chart will help the organization in remembering the absentee and deduction from the salary of the employee. The signatures of the employee should be taken at the end of the record chart.


Each month, a new record chart will be used. This record chart also helps when an employee leaves an organization and wants that organization to give him a recommendation letter. If you don’t exactly know about the contents and of the record chart, you can get a readymade from the internet. There are many websites which provide easy to use record chart.

New Employee Document Checklist


Employee Termination Document Checklist

One of the most important forms, which has required these days in the HR department of any organization is employee termination form. The termination of the employee is a very serious thing which can happen to an employee and it is no doubt very hard for any person to bear it. The employee termination form is used by the company when the reputation of the company gets in danger due to an employee.

Employee Termination Document ChecklistThe employee termination document checklist is needed when the job duration of an employee has expired and he is not resigning from his post. It is also needed when a company has to forcefully terminate an employee. The termination may be caused because of many reasons such as the poor health of an employee, non-professional behavior, disability and lack of experience. There are also some specific cases which may cause the company to decide to terminate an employee.

Employee termination form is also known as work separation form. The form is used by the companies to make them filled by the individuals. The form is kept in the record of an employee and the company can keep track of those employees who have left or who have been terminated from their job. There are some formalities and some paperwork which a company is required to do. That formal work is initiated when an employee termination form gets filled. The companies can prepare the termination form on the basis of the format which is used in each department. However, readymade forms are also available on the internet which can be used free of cost.


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