Business Statement of Account Template

What is a statement of account?

The statement that describes the sales of the business in a particular month is commonly referred to as a statement of account. The customers who have an account with the company are stated accounts. The biggest benefit of using an account is that it calculates the running balance automatically.

It is a document, listing monthly transactions over a specific period; normally this statement comprises payments, received, credit invoices, and the net amount that the client has to pay.


The statement of account is quite like the bank passbook; the only difference is that the statement comprises a single. It is better to use an online template to format your online account statement templates. This is a practical tool that is adjusted and could be used by every sector.

How does the statement of account work?

Many customers purchase several items from a business regularly. Many of them also purchase the items in bulk. The businesses provide flexibility to such customers. These businesses allow customers to pay later. For security, the accounts of the customers are opened with the business.

Statement of Account Template

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The business then sends the statement of account to its customers to let them how much amount they are liable to pay due to purchases conducted by them throughout the month. It should be noted that the statement of account is not issued to those customers who pay the money right after the purchase and are not liable to pay.

Components and benefits of online template account statements. By choosing an account statement online you can

  • Receive notifications from the sites.
  • Access the archives of accounts every month and easily log in to your online bank account
  • Access your account twenty hours a day
  • Easy download of the statements.
  • The most crucial aspect is security; you can install security options on online accounts so it is not accessible by anyone.
  • You can customize the statement to create your style of account statement design. And you can easily fill in all your figures and text to format your very own account statement.
  • You can easily delete the wrong figure or add your new amount or you can alter the format according to your requirements.
  • Online templates are a secure and convenient feature to work with your account statements.

Use the account statement template to save an accurate account statement to send to your client.

What information is provided by a statement of account?

The statement of account can be used to obtain the following details:

  1. The details about the unpaid invoices.
  2. The details about the invoices such as the date of issuance, the invoice number, the total amount mentioned on the invoice, and a lot more.
  3. The details of credit such as credit number, the total amount issued, etc.
  4. The remaining balance will be left after the transactions mentioned in the statement of account.
  5. Details about a customer who is being sent this statement

Many organizations don’t like to use the statement of account as it is a very complex and hectic task to organize and manage all these statements. Moreover, it also requires the user to hire a professional accountant who can do this for the business.

Due to all these things, the usage of the statement of account is limited. However, the template for these statements can also be used which will save the user from all the problems associated with these statements.

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