Birthday Calendar Template

It is important to remember everyone’s birthday. However, it is easy to forget these important dates. We feel bad if we forget someone’s birthday; that person may even feel sad that we did not. Therefore, we need something to help us prepare for this important day for our family and friends.

What is a birthday calendar template?

A birthday calendar template is a document that saves the month and day of people’s birthdays.

Birthday Calendar Template for Excel
This automated birthday calendar tracks birthdays, calculates ages, counts days until the next birthday, and updates dynamically using Excel formulas.

How to make a birthday calendar template?

If you want to make a good and easily understandable birthday calendar template, you can consider the following points:

  • Easy to understand quickly: The template needs to be simple to read. You should be able to see a birth date just by looking at it.
  • Heading- Give a heading so that you know what the dates are for. The heading can be “Birthday Dates” or something like this.
  • Colorful: It is a good idea to make this template colorful so you can stick it on your wall, locker, or wherever you want.
  • Pictures: Cute pictures make the birthday calendar template look attractive. This includes cartoon images of cakes, gifts, party hats, etc. It is also possible to have different exciting pictures or backgrounds for every month. Remember not to get a background that makes reading what is written tough.
  • Months of the year—You can arrange the months in boxes. Each box will have the heading of each month, and then there will be space in the box where you can write the name and date of the person whose birthday is that month. Small boxes can be made to write the date after the name. Leave enough space so that everyone’s birthday in that month can be easily placed.
  • Calendar—If you want, you can make a document with the full-year calendar on the side and space to write everyone’s birthday in the middle. Remember to make it simple so that you can easily use it. Something confusing will make you want to avoid looking at it.

Advantages of the template:

The advantages of a birthday calendar template are:

  • It is a fun way to remember everyone’s birthday.
  • Let’s have a printable page where you can write down whoever’s birthday you want to remember. You can save other birthdays even later if you make new friends.

A birthday calendar template is essential as it lets us remember a special day of our loved ones. It is important to clarify this template so you will not miss anyone’s birthday. Do not include so much information that it becomes hectic to consult. Make it fun and colorful so that it can be stuck on your fridge, wall, locker, etc. Above are some points you can consider when making this template to create something extraordinary.


Birthday calendar template

Format: MS Excel (.xlsx)
File Size: 340 KB