Annual Profit Budget Template

Business depends a lot upon the profit that it makes every month and every year. Expansion of the business is only possible if you have a great deal of profit to match your expenses. No matter how small or big your company is, profits matter greatly.

An accounts department is always worried about the figures. Profit is the money you make after cutting down all the expenses, including the company’s utility bills, manufacturing charges, warehouse charges, transport charges, shipping charges, insurance money, and sales you make.


The money you save after paying all your employees at the end of the month is your profit. Summarizing the profit of every month gives the profit of the whole year.

What is an Annual profit budget template?

It is a spreadsheet that contains the details of all the company’s expenses at the end of every year. Having a spreadsheet that contains all the data for the past 12 months gives the annual profit template. This template includes all the expenses, incomes, profits, sales, assets, investments, and losses the company has experienced in the past year.

How do you use the template?

When choosing our template to assess your annual profit, you should have an idea of your company’s gross income and expenses. The template allows you to analyze your assets and earnings for separate businesses in one place.

  • To use it, you should know the company’s monthly expenses.
  • The number of employees and individual and total wages are entered into a separate column.
  • The raw material price and its transport, manufacturing, and storage charges can be entered into separate columns.
  • Using this template, you can break down your budget and profit according to the months and quarters of a month.
  • Using a single template, you can calculate the profit, loss, revenue, and sales of each business separately.
  • You can compare the differences using the graphs.
  • The template also allows you to check the difference between the profits of each business so that you can assess which business is your main source of profit.


Annual Profit Budget Template

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