Holiday Gift Shopping List

It’s the festive time and you are all set for gift shopping but these are rush hours and the malls and stores are jam-packed with the public. Now it may happen that you will forget many things during the shopping. To get out of such menaces it is better to write a holiday gift shopping list. This will make your shopping easy.

While you are on holiday gift shopping your list must contain the items that you love not the ones which you like for them. There are so many items in the stores which you can purchase for your friends and family. Check for the latest items and figure out the choices and ages of the people.

Holiday Gift Shopping List

Excel Template 352KB

To design a workable shopping list on paper you have to design your list template. Divide the list into columns in the first column write the name of the receiver and the product you have chosen for them, The next column is the description of the gifts. You then draw a column for the merchant name and the last column is for the price, you can use the list to keep as a reminder of whether or not the gift is bought, wrapped, or delivered.

Create a complete shopping list for your holiday gift shopping and keep delivering your gifts to cheer up your loved ones.

Holiday shopping budget template

Budgeting is always useful whether you are a housewife or a small business owner. It is helpful to know how much you are spending and what things you are throwing your hard-earned money.

Holiday shopping budget might sound somewhat strange but the trend has been seen for the use of budget spreadsheets. As the name suggests the worksheet is designed to prepare a budget for the shopping of your upcoming holiday travel.

It is always advisable to plan things so that nothing goes wrong at the end of the day.

The following is a perfect template that has a great layout as well as very comprehensive numeric solutions so that you can prepare a very good budget without any problem.

How to use the holiday shopping budget template

The template is an MS Excel spreadsheet which you can download easily from this page. The spreadsheet has three tabs namely ‘List Info‘, ‘List Entry‘, and ‘Holiday Budget‘.

List Info

If you click on the ‘List Info’ tab you will see a worksheet being activated for you in a table format. Here you can write the names of all the people for whom you are going to buy the gifts. For each person, you can select the category of gift you want to buy.

List Entry

If you click on the ‘List Entry’ tab you will see a table format for different entries to be written. Here you can begin by writing the name of the person for whom you will buy the gift, and select the category: General, Spouse, Family, or Special gift. Next, you can write the gift name along with its price and the merchandiser’s name. Don’t forget to add the Delivery and Wrapping status of the gift.

Holiday Budget – the main sheet

The main sheet gives you an overview of all the information that you have put in different columns of the two sheets of the worksheet. It shows you a detailed breakdown of the money being spent on the purchase of different types of gifts. Further, you can utilize the filters to narrow down your search. You can apply a filter to see the money spent on a particular category of gifts.

Holiday shopping budget template

Shopping Budget Sheet File 346 KB

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