Weekly Sales Report Template

Companies need to look for ways to increase their team’s performance so that sales can increase. Sales analysis reports tend to be important for a business as they give managers along with sales representatives an overview of sales processes so that performance can be enhanced and so that the business can grow.

A proper sales reporting procedure should be in place if a company wants to compete in today’s competitive environment. A company can consider making a daily, weekly, or even monthly sales report according to what they are aiming for. The following looks at a weekly sales report.


What is a weekly sales report?

A weekly sales report is a report that records the weekly sales details of a company. This lets a company know whether their employees are meeting the sales goals that have been created.

The report is used to help a manager or boss recognize trends present in sales numbers. They will know about this before these numbers get so low and are not able to be increased to meet quarterly and annual sales predictions. The report, therefore, aims to let the boss know whether they need to take any action to increase sales before this is too late.

Weekly sales report template

Excel Template: 76 Kb

Creating a Sales Report…

If you want to make a formalized weekly sales report, you can keep in mind the following points:

Format of report:

The report needs to be professional. Include a heading on it such as “Weekly Sales Report for …” Include what week the report is covering. The report should include the dates that it is covering. You can add information about which department it is dealing with as well. You can have another area for comments.

Table format:

The important details can be included on a table that has different columns for the important headings. The rows can include the days of the week. According to the type of business you have, you will include columns that relate to the sales activities that the business is involved in. You can have columns that state how many calls were made by the company.

This can include cold calls, follow-up calls, etc. A heading for the number of emails sent can be present and another column for meetings arranged. You can have a column for the visits completed and another one for leads generated.

A column that records the number of deals closed and products sold is important as well. You can have a column for sales revenue and target amount. You will then include a heading for variance allowing you to see whether the goals have been met or not. A column for notes can be present as well. Here it can be precisely stated why the team was not able to meet the target sales where applicable. This column will help the reader know about any issues the team is facing that are not allowing it to meet its goals properly.

It tracks the sales activities…

The weekly sales report is important as it tracks the sales activities for a certain company that has occurred during a particular week. A business will be able to have actionable insights related to a team’s daily activities. The manager will know about any opportunities that have been generated, any deals that were able to be closed, calls made, along with other KPIs or key performance indicators.

 The report can help managers to track what sales representatives have pursued on a certain working day. Managers will be able to see whether there are any operational bottlenecks present early on. Valuable information will be present concerning a company’s sales activities. This can be given in a detailed way.

 When the weekly sales report is made properly, it will aid managers in monitoring the sales performance of the sales team that they have. They can then plan proper sales strategies that can help the business prosper. The sales report will help the manager or boss know whether any sales representative is not working in a way that is helping the company out. The boss can then consult the employee and take action so that the company does not lose out.

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