Food Budget Template

Food is a necessity of life. It is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet if you want to stay healthy. You need the right nutrients so that your body can function properly. We all need to spend carefully when buying food so that we end up with the right items without having spent too much on them.

You need to carefully buy food and not end up getting so many items especially those that you do not need. It is important to stay within your budget. A food budget sheet can be helpful here.


What is a food budget sheet?

This sheet aids you in handling your finances so that you can plan an effective food budget. The sheet will include details about the food items that you need, their costs, etc. so that you can properly track food spending.

Food Budget Sheet Template

Excel Spreadsheet Template

What does a food budget sheet do?

The sheet lets you know which food items you brought and when. You will state the quantity and cost of the items so that you can know the total cost of food for a certain period. You can even know where the food was brought from when you include a column for this on the sheet.


Creating a beneficial sheet

If you want to make a food budget sheet that will be useful, you can consider the following tips:


Microsoft Excel:

You will need to select an application where you can make the sheet which will allow you to add all the necessary information. Microsoft Excel is one that you can use here.

Structure of sheet:

The heading can be “Food Budget for …” and you can state what month it is for. It will be helpful to then create a table to add the details in.

Food budget table:

Before the table, you can have an area for the grocery budget which will state the amount you plan to spend on food items. A column on the table for a date will state the date that you have brought the food item. A column for category can be included which will state the category of the food items. This can be ready meals, meat, fruits plus vegetables, drinks, etc.


 A column for an item will state what the item is, it can be coke, beef, apples, chocolate, rice, bananas, etc. You need a column for how many where you state the amount of items brought. A column for the price per item and another one for the price sum needs to be included so that the total cost of the food item can be known. You can include a column for where which states where you brought the food item from. It can be from a fast food chain, coffee shop, restaurant, etc.

At the bottom of the table, you need a row for total which will give the total cost of the food items for the particular month. You need to update the table and add all items after you buy them so that everything is included. You can then see if you have remained within your budget or exceeded it.

It helps you handle your finances

The sheet is important as it allows you to arrange the food items that you buy so that you can know whether you are within your budget or not. You will not overspend on food when you know which items are important to buy and which ones you do not need.

Therefore the budget sheet will help you handle your finances so that you do not end up with no money left for food and no food at the end of the month or during the month. You will even note down where you bought the food item from so that when you buy it again in the future you will know where to go.

When visiting a store to buy food items, if you have this sheet, you will not forget to buy important food items. You will be saving time as well as cash when you know where to go and also when you buy only what is necessary. A budget sheet like this will help you be more organized.


Food budget template for Excel

Format: MS Excel 2007/+ File Size: 89 KB